+61 414 799 515 will@cashcopy.com.au

Here’s a few random lines from ads for decent size companies.

“A CRM made for the way people sell today.”

“AI for Print on Demand.”

“See yourself expanding your business with up to 55 days to pay for purchases*.”

“With the Mini MBA you can advance your career in brand management at your pace.”

What do you notice?

If you’re even still awake what you notice is these are all boring as ‘insert swear word here’.

Let me ask you this.

Is what your product or service does for customers really that boring?

Hopefully you said of course not.

Then why are your ads?

It comes down to a few reasons.

  1. No one spends the time to find the most interesting thing to say and to say it in the most interesting way.
  2. You let AI do the work because you’re lazy.
  3. You shoot down any idea that isn’t safe because you’re scared someone might complain.

Now you may not even be aware this is what’s happening.

But you are now.

You must understand the best marketer in any category wins.

If you’re the one who runs the most interesting ads you get attention.

If you get attention, you get more customers.

If you get more customers, you dominate your market.

And isn’t that what you want?

It should be.

It really should be.

In fact, if that’s not your goal, you have no place touching anything to do with marketing.

Boring marketing stops on your watch.

And that means right now.

Let me know that you’re committed to being the most interesting marketer in your category.