+61 414 799 515 will@cashcopy.com.au
This Drives All Of Us

This Drives All Of Us

You can’t ignore it. It’s hardwired into your DNA. It’s linked to your survival. What am I talking about? Status baby. How you compare to the rest of the herd. Whether we acknowledge it, or not, it drives most of what we do. Why we choose the house...
One Shot Only. What Do You Say?

One Shot Only. What Do You Say?

Imagine a million people just offered to wear t-shirts promoting your brand. What goes on it? You’ve only got up to 6 words. It needs to memorable. It needs to say something compelling. It needs to get someone to say, tell me more. Can you do it? That’s...
Doing This Guarantees Ad Failure

Doing This Guarantees Ad Failure

Most ads fail. There’s the famous quote. I know half my ad dollars are wasted, I just don’t know which half. I’m here to tell you it’s WAY more than half. But why do ads fail? There are many reasons. But the main one is this. You don’t...
Why Lawyers Chase Ambulances

Why Lawyers Chase Ambulances

It’s time to end the obsession with ideal client profiles. Why? Because they’re just words on paper. There’s no such thing as group that matches it. There may be people a bit like it. But ultimately business is about solving problems at a profit. So...
Would You Say That To A Friend?

Would You Say That To A Friend?

Asking this question instantly improves your marketing. Something weird happens when we sit down to create our marketing. We get all stiff and formal. We feel the need to impress. We decide to be overly creative. But when a potential client sees what you’ve...