+61 414 799 515 will@cashcopy.com.au
Do This Right After They Buy

Do This Right After They Buy

It takes a huge effort to get someone over the line to buy your thing. There’s a lot of perceived risk around making a bad choice. It can leave someone feeling a bit like… The last thing you want is someone doubting their choice. You want them to feel as...
Without This You’ll Sell Nothing

Without This You’ll Sell Nothing

Legendary copywriter Gary Halbert said this when asked what advantage he wanted for his fictitious hamburger stand. The only advantage I want is a starving crowd. After all you can’t sell food to people who aren’t hungry. Nor can you sell what you’ve...
Why Potential Clients Hate Your Marketing

Why Potential Clients Hate Your Marketing

Here’s something you know but usually forget. Your potential clients are really busy. They have a lot going on. They have a lot of people wanting their attention. What they want you to is… They don’t want waffle. They want what’s in this for...
The Must Have Marketing Goal

The Must Have Marketing Goal

In the obsession with technology and data we’ve forgotten the one marketing goal that matters. I’ll share what it is in a moment but here’s a hint. The goal is to get a response. But not just any response. Aim for astonishment. Your aim is to...
Declutter Your Marketing

Declutter Your Marketing

This is how interested potential clients in your rambling marketing message. Not very. You know why? Because they have lives to live. Demands on their time. Big problems to solve. All sorts of things going on and your marketing message is just an interruption. So at...