+61 414 799 515 will@cashcopy.com.au
I’m Ignoring You

I’m Ignoring You

Our mental space is precious. We have to protect it. Our brains use a lot of energy. So, we can’t be paying attention to everything that tries to grab it. The overload feels like a threat to our survival. So, we’ve trained ourselves to ignore as much as...
Marketing Lessons From Memes

Marketing Lessons From Memes

I’m fascinated by memes. They have so much power. But why? And what exactly is a meme? My research suggests Richard Dawkins first coined the term, and it had nothing to with what we know as memes. The definition is two parts. an idea, behaviour, style, or usage...
The Strange Way I Got The Idea For This Post

The Strange Way I Got The Idea For This Post

Inspiration. Waiting. Waiting. Still waiting. Too many people wait for inspiration, and it never comes. I’ve got a better idea. Pick a starting point. Here’s what I did. I went to the explore page on Unsplash (free images site). I browsed the images and...
Unf.ck Your Ads

Unf.ck Your Ads

This famous quote attributed to John Wannamaker is wrong. “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half” It’s way more than half. Dave Trott says 89% of advertising isn’t noticed or remembered. In simple terms 89...
Every Customer Has This Question

Every Customer Has This Question

No matter your industry potential customers need a great answer to this question. Or they won’t buy. Why should I buy from you? In fact, it’s just one of the three big questions behind every sale. Why buy at all? Why buy from you? Why buy right now? But...
Cut Fluff Ruthlessly

Cut Fluff Ruthlessly

Your customers are smart. Your customers have seen all the marketing fluff before. They’re trained to ignore it. They have to. We’re drowning in marketing every day. A non-stop bombardment of B.S. Stuff you care about, and they don’t. Social media is...