+61 414 799 515 will@cashcopy.com.au
Who? What? How?

Who? What? How?

Most messages fall on deaf ears. Why? It’s because the person creating the message hasn’t thought it through. Specifically, they haven’t considered: Who they are aiming at. What they need to say. How they should say it. The battle for attention is...
Big Words Lower Sales

Big Words Lower Sales

So, I was watching the football last night and an ad came on for private health insurance. Nothing new in that. Except they made a massive and common mistake. I won’t name the guilty. But the positioning for their insurance is cheap health insurance. So, what do...
Stop Boring Potential Customers

Stop Boring Potential Customers

Here’s a few random lines from ads for decent size companies. “A CRM made for the way people sell today.” “AI for Print on Demand.” “See yourself expanding your business with up to 55 days to pay for purchases*.” “With...
The Only Judge Of Marketing

The Only Judge Of Marketing

There’s only one way to judge your marketing. Can you guess what it is? If you said response you’re right. Bonus points if you said people rushing to give you money. After all a business isn’t a charity. You market to get customers. You market to...
Before Your Chase New Clients Do This

Before Your Chase New Clients Do This

Businesses are obsessed with chasing new clients. And I understand it. But often it comes at the expense of ignoring all the upside you already have. So, I always advise maximise before you multiply. Most businesses have a plan that is incomplete. You already have a...
Safe Marketing Is Boring

Safe Marketing Is Boring

No one knows for sure how much marketing we are exposed to each day. But the best estimate is between 4,000 and 10,000. Now that’s a wall of noise. For most people it feels like their brain will explode. So, we have trained ourselves to tune it out as much as...