by admin | Jul 12, 2024 | Copywriting Tips
It takes a huge effort to get someone over the line to buy your thing. There’s a lot of perceived risk around making a bad choice. It can leave someone feeling a bit like… The last thing you want is someone doubting their choice. You want them to feel as...
by admin | Jul 4, 2024 | Copywriting Tips
Legendary copywriter Gary Halbert said this when asked what advantage he wanted for his fictitious hamburger stand. The only advantage I want is a starving crowd. After all you can’t sell food to people who aren’t hungry. Nor can you sell what you’ve...
by admin | Jun 27, 2024 | Copywriting Tips
If your sales are lower than what you want it’s probably because your offer sucks. I make no apologies for being harsh. I’ve looked at thousands of markets and a great offer is like a unicorn, rarely seen. If you don’t have a great offer people just...
by admin | Jun 20, 2024 | Copywriting Tips
Here’s something you know but usually forget. Your potential clients are really busy. They have a lot going on. They have a lot of people wanting their attention. What they want you to is… They don’t want waffle. They want what’s in this for...
by admin | Jun 13, 2024 | Copywriting Tips
In the obsession with technology and data we’ve forgotten the one marketing goal that matters. I’ll share what it is in a moment but here’s a hint. The goal is to get a response. But not just any response. Aim for astonishment. Your aim is to...