+61 414 799 515 will@cashcopy.com.au
Why You Should Be Cheap

Why You Should Be Cheap

Have I lost the plot? Bear with me. I’m not saying sell cheap things. I am saying make your thing appear to be cheap. See people are very subjective when they look at your price. They can often view you as expensive because they don’t see the value...
Branding Isn’t What Most People Think It Is

Branding Isn’t What Most People Think It Is

It’s not a pretty logo. It’s not a cool visual. It’s not just a tagline. Branding is much more than that. The modern word Brand is derived from the word “Brandr”, a word from Ancient Norse meaning “to burn”. It gained popularity as the term to...
The Crisis In Marketing

The Crisis In Marketing

Note I chose crisis deliberately. But this isn’t a new problem. But it is the cause of most marketing failure. Do you know what it is? It’s saying too much. It’s tempting to want to communicate all the wonderful things you offer. But what happens...
This Drives All Of Us

This Drives All Of Us

You can’t ignore it. It’s hardwired into your DNA. It’s linked to your survival. What am I talking about? Status baby. How you compare to the rest of the herd. Whether we acknowledge it, or not, it drives most of what we do. Why we choose the house...