+61 414 799 515 will@cashcopy.com.au
Boring Marketing Must Die

Boring Marketing Must Die

I know it’s scary to run marketing that is bold. But what’s scarier is being ignored. And that’s what you get when you run boring marketing. People tune out. I’ve heard this before. That’s if they even noticed it to begin with. People...
The Single Biggest Cause Of Marketing Failure

The Single Biggest Cause Of Marketing Failure

You can have the most creative ads, the best copy, and the most sophisticated targeting—but none of it matters if your offer doesn’t make people stop in their tracks. Think about it… In a world flooded with noise and choices, the real secret to marketing success...
The Power Of Micro Steps

The Power Of Micro Steps

You ask too much, too soon. It’s OK no one probably told that doesn’t work. But if you think about, you know it instinctively. It’s just that when you start marketing you forget. Making a sale can be a slow process. It requires trust. It requires you...
Creating An Unbreakable Bond With Clients

Creating An Unbreakable Bond With Clients

We like people like us. We buy from people we like. That’s a huge clue for how to create powerful marketing. You need to find a common enemy you share with your clients. Or a common aim/purpose. That creates something you can bond over. Just like you do with...
I Didn’t Expect This

I Didn’t Expect This

We coast along in a waking trance. This is bad news for marketers because you need to get attention before you can get a client. So you have to break the trance. Do something they don’t expect. It might be a bold claim. It might be humour. It might be brutal and...