+61 414 799 515 will@cashcopy.com.au

Got enemies?

If you’re going through life trying to serve everyone or please everyone you’ll have a boring life and business.

You can be the nicest person in the world but at some point, you’ll get a hater.

I struggled with this as I’m a natural introvert.

But here’s what I learnt. Enemies are good.

When you stand for something that matters to you and your clients you separate yourself.

But that’s a good thing because it means you actually get noticed. It’s only when you’re noticed that you can attract clients.

Enemies don’t have to be people. It can be an idea you are strongly against, and you know others will be to.

Here’s a couple of examples.

An author I know took at a stand against the hustle at all costs model popularised by Gary Vaynerchuk.

People often position themselves against big anything. In most mind big is bad. Especially Government, banks, pharmaceutical etc.

So have a think about enemies you share with your ideal clients. Make a list.

Then go hard at attacking them. When you do the clients you want will flock and the ones you don’t will run away.

What could be better than that?