5 ridiculously common website mistakes that kill your sales.
Which ones are you making?
It horrifies me how many websites just don’t convert traffic into leads and customers effectively. But the good news is you can fix yours by knowing and fixing these common mistakes.
1. Your site has no clear offer or call to action.
There is nothing more important than having a strong offer on your website. The offer needs to be almost too good to be true in order to get someone to take action. The offer also needs to have little or no risk for the potential customer. This is where a lead generation tool like a valuable FREE Report is effective for most businesses.
2. No sign up form to capture potential customer details for later follow up. Very few people are ready, willing and able to buy when they first come across your website.
You need people to know, like and trust your business and this takes time to achieve. So you must capture their details (at least email) on their first visit. Then you have to properly follow up and gain them as client when they are ready to buy.
3. You rely more on social media than your website. Here’s some bad news. Social media accounts are never truly yours. They can be shut down any time if the provider decides to do that. Often there is little you can do about it.
By all means use social media for traffic but make sure you have a strategy to get people off social media and into your own database for future marketing. If you develop a great database you will find that if you want to sell your business you will get a much higher price. That’s what Google really purchased when they bought YouTube.
4. Your site offers too many choices. What happens when you face too many choices? If you’re anything like me you normally walk away and don’t buy or go elsewhere for what you need.
Instead be really clear about what action you want someone to take on your site and remove anything that distracts from them taking that action.
5. You are not clear about who your ideal customer is.
Every business has an ideal customer. You know the one who pays well and generates few, if any, headaches. We all want more of these right? Then your site needs to reflect this. By deciding who we target with the site we might feel as though we are reducing future sales. However the reality is for many businesses fewer, better quality, customers is the right way to go.
How’d you go? Fix them today and your website will start generating more leads and sales for you.