+61 414 799 515 will@cashcopy.com.au

Most messages fall on deaf ears.


It’s because the person creating the message hasn’t thought it through.

Specifically, they haven’t considered:

Who they are aiming at.

What they need to say.

How they should say it.

The battle for attention is fierce.

If you want some then need to create a message that matters.

Matters to the person you want to see it and respond to it.

Great marketers get it.

Great politicians get it.

Great leaders of social movements get it.

Even cult leaders get it.

It starts with who.

Who are you trying to get your message across to?

It’s never everyone.

An appeal to everyone is an appeal to no one.

You have to know your who. You have to know them better than they know themselves.

Next is what.

What do you need to say? What is it they value and care about?

What will they be really interested in hearing?

Their favourite topic is always themselves. So that’s your starting point.

Relate what you want to say to something important to them.

Next is how.

This is the exact words you use and where you try to get your message seen.

A lot of people spend too much time on this.

It is important. But not as important as knowing your who and your what.

They all work together.

Get one part wrong and you’ve wasted your time and money.

Get all three right and your message will be seen and maybe even remembered.

It’s not easy.

That’s why most messaging fails.

But if you’re willing to do the work.

You will reap the rewards.